September 14, 2007

Getting Back.

I am sat on my computer for numerous hours pondering what I was going to blog about. I can imagine that I am not alone in this. Personally, I am not truly inspired by the topic of this blog. I have to admit that politics bore me and my interest is quickly lost.
I would like to mention one thing though, one of my summer readings was Work Hard, Study and… Keep out of Politics by James A. Baker, III, I will let the title speak for itself. Here is an excerpt from his book:
“Disagree agreeably. Listen respectfully. Treat everyone, allies and adversaries alike, with dignity. Return phone calls. Count the votes. When you’re ahead, call the question. When you’re behind, work harder. If you can’t get everything you want, get what you can. When you can’t win, fall back and fight another day.
Respect the press and get to know reporters. Talk to them on background most of the time, but on the record with necessary. Help them understand the administration’s position. And never lie to them.”
Taking these words from one of my personal heroes lets get the presidential candidates to talk and get back to the real issues. Let’s forget about who Oprah is voting for, who has raised the most money this week and get the candidates to talk about homeland security, the war, social security… The issues that matter.

1 comment:

Zakahi said...

"Talk to them on background most of the time, but on the record with necessary."

Sounds like one of your personal heroes disagrees with you.