To begin researching the presidential candidate's stances on hot topics I started by Googling a few key words, which yielded good results. The research has only just begun, but I've found a few sites that are doing basically the same thing we are - monitoring the candidates actions and their positions on specific issues.
One site ( had an interactive table that neatly lists all the presidential candidates and their positions on many important debate topics. Be sure to have a look at that, for people who might know who's running but don't know where the candidates stand - this is great.
The second site ( acts like an online watchdog. It not only covers what the candidates are doing and saying in the 'Candidate 2008' section, it also has good information on other topics themselves. Go here and find the 'Issues/Topics' button at the top and a list will pop up where you can decide on an issue (i.e. Media), a sub-issue (Propaganda/Noise Machine), then a specific topic (Hillary Clinton, etc.).
I don't know how to add in picture links, or else I'd put a visual of the table mentioned above - if anyone could give me any pointers on blogging, it'd be appreciated. I'm new to this whole media revolution game.